January 2025

YEG CNL Stage Two & Fitset Cup

CNL Stage Two Jan 10 & 11 2025; Fitset Cup Jan 12 2025


CNL Stage 2: Age groups 6-8, 9-10

CNL Stage 2: Age groups 11-12, 13-14

CNL Stage 2: Age groups 15-17, Masters, Amateur, Pro

January 10th & 11th: CNL Stage 2

Competition Format

  • Stage 2 multi-course competition

  • Athletes will compete on speed course & strength course

  • Finals results for a multi-course competition will use the Percent Based Scoring system for a combined score


  • Any athlete can participate, with priority given to CNL athletes who qualified from Stage 1

  • Only CNL Athletes who earned a Stage 2 Qualifying Spot at a Stage 1 Qualifier are eligible for a CNL Eastern or Western Final Qualifying Spot and leaderboard points

Qualification For CNL Eastern / Western Finals

  • A CNL Athlete who has already earned a Qualifying Spot to the Eastern / Western Finals will not take a spot from another CNL Athlete who has not yet qualified

  • International athletes can qualify for the CNL Eastern / Western Finals without taking a spot from a Canadian CNL athlete

  • CNL will advance the Top 6 CNL athletes to the Eastern / Western Finals for each age/gender category from each Alberta CNL Stage 2 qualifier

January 12th: FITSET NINJA CUP

  • Top 5 from each division from the Stage 2 event on January 10th and 11th will move on to compete in the Fitset Cup event

  • Format to be confirmed

  • The winner from each division on that course will get their name permanently engraved on the Fitset Ninja Cup!

Competition Details


    Friday January 10th :

    Masters, Amateur, 15-17 & pro ages groups will compete on Speed & Strength courses

    Saturday January 11th:

    Age groups 6-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 will compete on Speed & Strength courses


    Sunday January 12th: Top 5 from each division from the Stage 2 event on Fri & Sat, will move onto compete in the Fitset Cup event. Format to be confirmed

  • https://www.canadianninjaleague.org/rulebook

    Multi Course Event

    Points Percentage and Time Percentage:

    • The athlete with the highest points percentage wins.

    • Ties in points percentage are broken by time percentage, with the smaller time percentage taking precedence.

    • Percentages are calculated using the formula shown in the rulebook handled by NinjaWorks.

    Perfect Run Bonus:

    • Athletes receive 1 bonus point for achieving a Perfect Run.

    • Perfect Run: Successfully completing every obstacle on the first attempt, resulting in a perfect score with no retries used.

    Retry Rule:

    • Athletes are allowed 1 retry that can be used at any point on the course.

    • The retry can only be used on the obstacle they just failed.

    • Moving on from a failed obstacle forfeits the right to use the retry on that obstacle.

    • Judges are not responsible for the use or encouragement of a retry.

    Course Boundaries:

    • Athletes cannot fail in the space between obstacles.

    • Any area between the finish of Obstacle A and the start of Obstacle B is considered not part of the course.

  • We would be forever grateful if you took some time out of your schedule to support your Ninja Community!

    We have many positions including First Aid, Check-in, Course Setup, Course Resetter, Coordinator, and Crowd Control. All volunteers receive free food and drinks, plus the gratitude of every Ninja all weekend!

    Sign Up Here!

What does a Fitset Ninja Competition Look Like?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Spectators are welcome to join us in person throughout the competition! Please respect the marked boundaries and listen to the Fitset Ninja staff and volunteers at all times to ensure you're not interfering with other athletes during their run!

  • Yes! For first time visitors to Fitset Ninja, we encourage you to fill out the waiver ahead of time.

  • We are not able to offer refunds for any cancellations.

    We can offer credit on file for your purchase until October 1, 2024. Past this date, no credit on file will be offered. For cancellations and to use your credit, please email us at hello@fitsetninja.com. We cannot take these requests verbally.

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